The Harris County District Clerk’s Office is the largest in the state and one of the largest departments in Harris County government. The annual budget is over $40 million, and the office employs a staff of more than 500 to support the operations of over 90 civil, criminal, family, juvenile and other specialty courts.
The demands of the office are challenging to even the most experienced managers. That’s why re-electing Marilyn is so important. Marilyn Burgess has the skills and experience in management, finance and administration to continue to successfully lead the office and build a stronger, more efficient organization. In her first term, Marilyn has already won a national award for jury innovation.
Most people recognize the office because it manages all aspects of the county’s jury summons system, but the office does much more than that.
The District Clerk’s Office records the actions and the judgments of each court; transmits the orders of the court to the authorities responsible for their execution; and is the fee officer responsible for collecting and disbursing court costs, fines, and other fees, and also maintains a court registry of funds held in trust for minors.
Since most court records are public information, the District Clerk is responsible for managing them for easy retrieval. The records must also be preserved for permanent storage or disposed of according to law.
The District Clerk is elected by Harris County voters for a four-year term, and Marilyn needs your vote in this election in order to continue modernizing the office and serving you for another four years.
Election Day is November 4. Early Voting is October 24 - November 4.
You can vote at any polling location in Harris County!